Identify and target your senior citizen prospects online. Our opt-in permission-based senior email lists offer marketers the ability to create a customized, digital direct marketing campaign to enable you to have a two-way conversation with today’s active seniors. If you think seniors are not technology savvy, consider the research. Studies show that seniors, baby boomers, and mature adults make up a rapidly growing segment of computer, Internet, smartphone, and tablet users – not to mention the fact that more than 50% of seniors online today are active on social media, such as Facebook. Some segments of the senior population even consider themselves to be heavy Internet users. If you are not incorporating digital marketing, like email, into your marketing mix, you may be missing this very lucrative segment of the senior population.
Senior Source lists are built using more sources than any other senior database in the United States. Our data is generated from a variety of sources, including phone directories, surveys, U.S. Census Data, voter registration, product and warranty information, credit card transactions, mail order purchases, real estate, and magazine subscriptions, as well as deed and transactional data. To ensure accuracy, we update our lists monthly through USPS® National Change of Address (NCOA) and CASS Certification.
Our permission-based senior emails are guaranteed to be delivered into your prospects’ inboxes, not their junk mail folders. We are proud to say that we offer100% email delivery. This is an important part of our process and is achieved successfully as a result of our permission-based email compilation and deployment technology.
Our Confirmed Opt-In U.S. Senior Citizens list is ideal for a variety of offers, including insurance, annuity, long-term care products, estate and retirement planning, health care, Medicare, construction, real estate, leisure and hospitality, hotels, travel, magazine subscriptions, catalogs and retail offers.