
One big misconception of consumers that are 55 and older is that they do not use the Internet. Marketers who believe this are missing out on a viable and profitable market. Whether it’s going online to research wellness and health information or insurance, more seniors are using the Internet to research and make purchases than ever before.

In the US, 6 out of every 10 seniors actually use the Internet regularly, according to the Pew Research Center. We’re talking about people who are not only financially stable, but those who are well-educated. What this all means is that seniors have more disposable income to spend on things they desire for themselves and their families. Marketers who ignore this generation are truly missing out.

More Seniors are Using Email

One online tool that seniors are using the most today is email - approximately, 95% of seniors to be exact, according to experts. So, whether you’re planning to market your product or service to seniors or you’re a seasoned marketer, you’ll need access to a highly-targeted email marketing list if you want to reach a large audience.

Senior Source List can help you reach out to more seniors. To learn how, contact us today to speak with one of our marketing professionals, or give us a call at: 1-800-882-9930.

The Most Important Things To Remember When Marketing to Seniors

When marketing to seniors through email, there are a few important things to consider. First, make sure you’re marketing to an updated, accurate list of people who actually opted in to receive promotional email. Here are a few more things to consider:

1. You Must Gain Their Trust From the Start

Seniors are very skeptical of scams these days. So, it's important to gain their full trust from the very start. Otherwise, they will write your email off as just another scam. To prevent your emails from being labeled spam, avoid using common spam words and phrases, in your subject line, like ‘free access’, ‘be amazed!!!’, ‘easy terms’, and etc.

2. Place the most important details at the top of your email.

Seniors like to read a lot of details before making a buying decision. So, provide as much information as possible without exceeding the standard 1-page (300 words). Put the most important details at the very top of the email. Always include a strong call-to-action, such as a phone number or website link.

3. Make your email text easy to read.

Keep your language as simple as possible. Avoid using technical jargon. Use words that their generation can relate to, avoid using ROFL or BFN. Use bullet points and bold text to make it easier on the eyes to read. Always break up your text into paragraphs to avoid your email from looking too cluttered.

4. Avoid using words like ‘old people’ ‘old folks’ ‘senior citizen’ or ‘senior’.

When you're describing something about the older generation, just refer to them as consumer, customer or people. Most older people do not consider themselves old. Today's older generation are more youthful than their parents and grandparents. Haven't you heard? 50 is the new 40, 60 is the new 50, and so on.

Lastly, avoid using age humor. Instead, tell a story that's compelling and memorable. Also, never use negative images of older people, such as people who look weak, frail or confused about life. Use images that will appeal to people. They like to see people who look happy and energetic.

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